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Origami Art



Show off your nifty handiwork at this origiami workshop, where you can fold accessories, flower motifs and other seasonal objects using colorful origami paper.


Origami makes for a perfect souvenir or gift for your family and friends back home. Instructions are given in English.



Learning objectives:

- Improving English Language skills

- Practice focus, patience and planning

- Exercising spatial reasoning and geometry


Origami is the Japanese art of paper folding.  Traditionally, all origami pieces must be folded from one sheet of square paper.


Apart from being a great tool in developing spatial reasoning and geometric understanding, origami also teaches patience and concentration.  It is also therapeutic and creates a sense of achievement.  But above all, it is fun and captivating!


Origami is also a window to Japanese culture.  Japanese children learn origami on their mothers' laps, alongside the nursery rhymes!



Duration: 90 min


Investment: 100 ron

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