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Elena Marin

0729 057 092


The Kingdom Education
November 2012 – Present

Kingdom is an independent skill acquiring program for kids, teens and adults. We teach anything - from basic mathematics or grammar to personal development, public speaking, foreign languages, gamification and many others.

Coordinating trainers
Writing and managing the curricula
Overseeing the schedule
Choosing venues
Managing client relationship
Market research
Creating marketing campaigns
Product development
Event organization


National Project Manager
DNA Day Romania
December 2012 – Present

DNA Day is an international holiday celebrated on April 25. It commemorates the day in 1953 when James Watson, Francis Crick, Maurice Wilkins, Rosalind Franklin and colleagues published papers in the journal Nature on the structure of DNA.


At its first participation in 2013 in the International Genetics Competition, Romania won 3 prizes.

Liaisoning with the National Ministry of Education
Liaisoning with the European Society of Human Genetics
Liaisoning with public and private learning institutions
Communicating with internal/external teams, clients and vendors
Creating and managing teams, plans and schedules
Creating, tracking and managing estimates and budgets
Overseeing print production, management and vendor coordination
Writing, editing and proofing content
Event organization
DNA Day First – the start competition expo 1st of March 2013
DNA Day Gala - 25th of April 2013


Trainer “Human Kind - The Wonder”, “The Discussion Room”
British Council
January 2014 – Present

British Council is the United Kingdom's international organization for cultural relations and educational opportunities.
BritTeen is the conversation club for children and teenagers organized by British Council. As a trainer, I created and implemented the workshops “Human Kind - The Wonder", "The Discussion Room".


Teaching English
Creating, planning and implementing the course-support
Activity management
Logistics – writing, editing and producing course materials
Administration –attendance and evolution lists
Giving feedback on student evolution

Royal Commander Elena

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